I met a group of backpackers in the Presidentials that were from Outward Bound in Maine and know Rusty Rice.

I walked up behind four people and told them what I was doing, after I walked past, one of the girls came running up and said, I'm reading "a walk in the woods" and i want to give you something and then forced me to grab a snack out of her bag.

On Franconia Ridge, a young guy was sitting at a viewpoint and asked if I wanted some crackers, I ended up talking with him for 30 minutes and then we hiked together for about 45 minutes until he realized he was hiking down the wrong trail.  Sorry Alex.

The Presidentials is a small part of the White Mountains that include Mt. Madison, Mt. Adams, Mt. Jefferson and Mt. Washington.  I learned that when I waited out a storm at the Lost Lake Hut and read a book for an hour.

I've now seen 2 Moose, both females.

Lots of nobos tell me I'm the first sobo they've met, some even take pictures and then I tell them that there are still a few ahead of me.

Odyessa left on June 14th and is running the trail to beat her previous supported record and now has to average like 47 miles per day.

I've seen many maple lines in Vermont, makes me think of my time making syrup at Covenant Harbor, which is both good and bad. :)

It's now time for me to go get my pizza and chocolate milk.  Thanks for following the journey, God has been so faithful with the time.

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