Every night it seems that all the spiders within a half mile of the trail decide to put a single strand of web across the trail and I spend most of my morning wiping spider webs out of my eyes and off my forehead. (I don't know why they choose that level. Even when nobos would finally come, I would think that they would have cleared all the webs, but I'd still get them in the eyes and forehead) So it would be pretty funny to watch me try to get the webs out of my face only to walk right into another one as soon as it was clear.
Another thing is stumbing my toes on a rock or root and being sent airborne and trying to recover without falling down. I really wish that I could have a video camera on me during those times. Sometimes they come a couple a day, sometimes a few in five minutes, they always get a good reaction out of me.
And lastly, anyone who uses trekking poles knows this, but they have a tendency to get stuck inbetween rocks or roots and try to rip your arm out of its socket as your continue your forward momentum. I'm sometimes surprised that my arms are still attached.
Now if those are not bad enough by themselves, imagine all three of them happening at the same time as I'm trying to get my trail legs in the morning...
[and then I pass a northbounder... :)]