We had a good-morning chat with Cindy back at home and filled her in on the latest. We certainly look forward to those check-in phone calls with the Crams! (We just love you guys to pieces!) And so we were pretty much packed and ready to go and figured we would leave early that afternoon...
Now Donna and Jeff were heading out and she asked if we would stay until they returned so that we could all say goodbye and she could get our pictures, and that was no problem with us! It was about two when they returned and they threw it out there that we could stay another night if we wanted to...oh man...tempting! By that point in the afternoon, if we had left, we really would have only walked about 8-10 miles, and really admist the big picture, that's nothing compared to being able to relax another evening and sleep in a bed! So there went day number three! We jumped on some bikes and rode into town to get more pizza! And on the way we saw a hiker named Ramzova (trail name) whom we hadn't seen since northern California, and he was to later join us in Hiker Heaven...And then there were three!
Later on, we got a surprise phone call...
The evening got even better...It began to really rain and thunder, and big, intricate bolts of lightning streaked across the sky-it made us feel really good about having stayed another day-you know, like a legitimate reason. So we snuggled up on the couch and again watched some movies and just relaxed.
I decided to pop onto Facebook, and here, within seconds, I receive a message from our friend, Mikey Lang, that he's trying to get a hold of us. So here comes Donna, telephone in hand, and she gives it to us saying that it's our friend Mikey! Completely excited, we went into "our" bedroom and put him and Bonnie on speaker phone and proceeded to have such an amazing chat, catching up on what life has been like and what we've seen God doing in our lives...we were thrilled to have talked with them! So many amazing things have been happening and it felt so encouraging and uplifting to receive such good news. We love those two so much!...and miss them dearly. Now if we had left, all of our surpise interactions with five different people would not have happened! Don't you just love that?! I do!
We walked into town today to get some exercise...a whole two miles! :) Ofcourse we bought more pizza and icecream! (We've definitely been able to put on a couple of pounds while here!) Now we're ready to get back out there...it's been incredible to be able to rest for so long...really, really rest. And getting the chance to experience Donna (L-rod) the way we have has been so great! We've been so cared for and loved on by her and Jeff-they're such a memorable part of our adventure...
We're heading out tomorrow (I think! That's what we've said the past three days!) And it's supposed to be windy, but atleast partly cloudy and not really warm (which it can be and makes hiking miserable), so we'll deal with what we have to and will be in Wrightwood in about four days!