our pre hikes have gone well, no blisters, the gear worked, in general we got along and still love each other, we had plenty of food, so all is good. we just need to multiply the food by about thirty and pack it in boxes and figure out someone to send them to us. so as of right now, a little over a month to go, we don’t have any food packed, we have a few boxes of clif bars and granola bars, some pasta and a couple tons of granola. cassandra has a bunch of bookmarks on the internet with recipes and of course, we listened to dicentra at the kickoff talk about her one pan wonders.
we’re obviously pretty good at procrastinating and finding other things to do, such as road trips, hangi out with friends, watching pct videos, etc., but know that we have quite a bit of work to do. i’ve talked to a few people about how i see this journey as a pilgrimage with God, a chance to not be distracted by the every day life and to really listen to Him as we go for a long walk. there is a difference between doing things for God (such as being in a wilderness ministry the last 10 years) and really being with Him. i love sharing my faith, but at times i feel like the israelites wandering around in the desert waiting to go to the promised land. i’ve been lead out of my “egypt” and have been given the manna and been provided for these last 15 years, but i’m still hungry and thirsty for more. i’m not content with the way things are right now because i’ve tasted more, so i know that there is more out there, God is just letting me work for it so that i don’t take it for granted.
so i feel like i’ve been being prepped for this trip since i first heard about the pct over a decade ago. God has been beckoning me to take a walk with Him and i get the joy of having my wife along on the journey. we have a lot of growing to do and we are trusting that the Holy Spirit as our counselor will teach us through the trail, through others and through that still small voice.
everyone has their own journey that God takes them on, some can learn on a short walk down the street, or on their way to the fridge, it took the apostle paul a trip to damascus, its different for all of us, but we know that He is still working.
i’m trying to get cassandra to write again, so stay tuned for that.
thanks for reading.