Rich here ...
Cassandra called from Big Lake youth camp Tuesday night.
The people there are fantastic! Great food, warm showers, and wonderful fellowship. Spent the night, then hit the trail about noon on Wednesday. Next stop is Elk Lake Resort.
They have never seen so many flowers. Millions of them. The Oregon mountains are outstanding. This last stretch has been nothing short of very fun!
They have maet lots of NOBOs. Most are section hikers, but a few thru hikers. One guy is planning to go both ways! He said he had put on 42 miles on Saturday. It's fun meeting NOBOs, but the conversations really bite into the mileage for the day. Trying figure out a balance between being friendly, getting good info, and still maintianing a good average milea
Tomorrow, Cindy will send out a box to Crater Lake. The Elk Lake box should be waiting!
While the trail is so great, and much improved over all that snow from the beginning, they still covet your prayers!